Looking back at 2022

2022 was our inaugural pilot year with family and friends. Thank you to those of you who took a leap of faith to enroll with only an enrollment portal and my word that the money would make a difference.

With just a limited number of friends and family enrolled, we made a difference last year. The collective impact of our members is equal to 144 tonnes CO2 prevented from entering the atmosphere, plus 690 trees planted. In environmental benefits, that’s like taking about 30 cars off the road for a year, plus the future potential to draw down additional emissions as those trees mature.

Photo credit: Stove Team International

But the benefits go beyond that, as the stoves installed by our partner are already helping eliminate smoke and fire hazards inside the homes of many families who rely on a wood burning cook stove for each meal, and the tree planting creates jobs in remote areas of poverty stricken countries.

In terms of company accomplishments, we have overcome a number of administrative hurdles that better position us to grow in the year ahead, including completion of all website pages and adding a number of blogs tailored towards lowering your personal carbon footprint.

Looking ahead to 2023

At Untonne, we’ve been busy getting ready to do more public outreach in 2023:

From a user perspective, we’ll be:

  • Completing the back-end of the website so that you can see your individual impact when you log in
  • Continuing to write additional blogs that inspire you to be more sustainable, while also starting a social media presence
  • Adding more projects so that you can see the impact of your work growing

Catching you up on what you might have missed from our website and blog:

  • Our website now includes information about the projects supported through Untonne: both Cook Stoves and tree planting. In addition, we have FAQs and more!
  • Blog posts include info about e-bikes, EVs, stoves, trees, and more. Check out the blog page to see articles categorized by project updates, things you can do, and our newsroom.

Thank you and we look forward to your continued participation and feedback in the New Year!